Cannabis: The Ultimate “Cure?”

The COVID-19 Pandemic will absolutely divide our sense of history into “before” and “after.”
2020 was the year the global economy shut down for months as scientists and governments raced to find first “stop gap” measures to limit the spread, and then of course, began to focus on finding “the cure.”
As the world begins to unclench from the months-long lockdown, however, it is also clear that cannabis is front and centre in several discussions, right as the global discussion about how to treat the plant finally brings all such issues firmly into the global limelight.
Economic Stimulation From Ending Prohibition
There are many who are now calling for an end to global prohibition of cannabis and arguing that this is just the ticket for economies reeling from COVID related economic hits. The logic is that the industry creates jobs, if the drug is a safe medicine, it can also be used recreationally with little harm, and the industry is already considered “essential.” Not to mention a jobs and revenue creator.
There are a few places in the world (see Greece and the British Isles) where cannabis is beginning to be taken seriously as an economic development tool. This is likely to increase in the months to come as whole countries and regions try to chart a new economic pathway forward. But will this be enough to create federal recreational reform in places like say, the U.S. or the European Union?
One thing is for sure. It won’t hurt.
Cannabis As COVID “Cure?”
There are several intriguing studies that seem to indicate that cannabis can frustrate the spread of the virus by causing cell immunity and or at least resistance to infection. It also may be useful in helping people tolerate any “cure” on the horizon (much like it helps AIDs patients).
As research progresses, expect to see converts jumping on the bandwagon, just from the medical side.
In addition, the World Health Organization (WHO) is widely expected to reschedule cannabis globally as at least a “Schedule II” in the fourth quarter of the year, effectively ending criminal prosecution in many jurisdictions for mere possession, especially for medical use. That said, few believe that this change in status is safely in the bag (the decision has already been delayed twice), much less that this alone will end the debate about recreational reform.
Regardless, there are many signs afoot that not only is “medical” use about to hit mainstream stride, but the next conversation, ending prohibition for rec users, is finally, almost around the corner.
Be sure to check out the International Cannabis Business Conferences’s first global digital conference on June 9 for an update on the cannabis industry just about everywhere it currently exists!