What Can Other Nations Learn From The Vape Crisis In The U.S.?

Vape hysteria has gripped the United States in recent months, with a growing number of illnesses, and even some deaths being reported across the country. Regulators recently announced that the likely culprit is vitamin E acetate, which is a common ingredient in some vape pen cartridges, especially unregulated vape pen cartridges.
Vitamin E acetate is used by some vape pen creators to change the level of thickness of the cannabis oil inside of the vape pen cartridge. The ingredient is also used as a filler for unregulated vape pen cartridges.
Leading up to the announcement THC was being unfairly blamed for the vape crisis by members of the mainstream media and especially by cannabis opponents. It resulted in a situation where hysteria was driving the conversation and the research instead of science and sound public health policies.
Other countries can learn from the failures of how this played out in the U.S. Read about it in our latest article on Cannabis &Tech Today.