Tilray Recalling Cannabis Extract From German Market

According to DAZ online, a German-language, pharmacy-oriented publication, Tilray has had to recall its cannabis extract in the German market because the THC in its products is lower than stated on the packaging.
There is no danger to patients, but the effect of the medication may be reduced.
Pharmacists must destroy the extract they have received if it is on-premises.
According to the company in a statement released via the German Pharmacists’ Medicines Commission (AMK), the initial batch of Tilray THC 10 CBD 10 tested within parameters of a release date. However, a continuous stability test revealed that the THC content was subsequently lower.
There is no danger to humans, however, a different than stated effect could occur when using the affected products.
The Impact On The German Market
This is now the second recall in the German market in the last year. Aurora cannabis also ran into trouble last fall.
At at time when German flower and other products made from the same are finally about to enter the market here, this is an embarrassing flub, but also a reminder that the industry is increasingly regulated across Europe and being fitted into existing pharmaceutical infrastructure and standards.
The industry has come a long way, however, it is clear there is room to grow.
In the meantime, Tilray is left without a strategical import product in the market, and a negative mark in the country’s main pharmaceutical trade zine.
The Good News? Whole Plant Cannabis Extracts Have Arrived
Beyond this temporary setback for perhaps the strongest company in a position to begin competing against dronabinol in its presence in the market (if not yet price), there has been a clear ramp-up in the entire German cannabis market conversation.
With only three firms growing the plant in Germany, it is inevitable that at least a part of this crop, certainly in the future, will be processed into extracts for the medical market.
In the meantime, the most widely available medical grade “cannabinoid extract” with THC in it, is dronabinol, produced both by a German and Israeli company. Both companies are likely to see an uptick in sales as a result of the Tilray fail, not just because of price but sheer availability.
However, it is also clear that this is only a temporary setback for the company as well as the entire medical extract discussion auf Deutschland.
The International Cannabis Business Conference will return to Europe in the spring of 2021. Stay tuned for more news from Europe by following our blog!