South Africa’s Parliament To Miss Cannabis Legalization Vote Deadline

As it stands only Canada and Uruguay have legalized cannabis for adult use. The two nations’ legalization model differs in many ways, however, both countries permit the possession, cultivation, and legal sales of adult-use cannabis in one way or another.
Many other countries are exploring ending cannabis prohibition within their borders, and Mexico and Italy have court decisions in place that require legalization to be implemented. Neither Mexico nor Italy has seen its lawmakers step up and successfully pass a legalization measure.
One country that is not on many people’s radars when it comes to legalization is South Africa. South Africa’s Parliament has been in discussions to legalize cannabis for adult use for a while now and was set to vote on a legalization measure in order to comply with a 2018 court ruling.
Unfortunately, it appears that the vote will not happen, at least not by the initial deadline of September 17. Below is more information about what is being proposed, per Business Day:
According to the Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill, the maximum quantity allowed for possession for personal consumption will be 600g of dried cannabis or cannabis equivalent per adult, or 1,200g per dwelling occupied by two or more people. The maximum permissible quantity in a public place will be 100g.
In terms of cultivation no more than four cannabis plants can be grown per adult or not more than eight plants in a dwelling occupied by two or more people. Dealing will remain prohibited, as will smoking cannabis in public.
It is unclear at this time if/when the measure will get another chance at a vote. With a court ruling having been previously handed down, it’s fair to assume that a legalization measure will eventually be passed and implemented in South Africa.
With that being said, the effort to legalize in South Africa could linger on for a while. After all, the process involves politicians, and politicians are not exactly the most efficient when it comes to getting things done.