Entrepreneur Magazine: International Cannabis Business Conference Is One Of The Top Cannabis Events In The World

International Cannabis Business Conference is one of the top cannabis events in the world, according to Entrepreneur Magazine
Green Entrepreneur, the cannabis-focused division of Entrepreneur Magazine, has named the International Cannabis Business Conference as one of the “Top One Hundred Cannabis Companies” of 2019.
According to Green Entrepreneur, this list showcases businesses that “offer the industry’s most innovative, influential, and impactful products and services.” When informed that the International Cannabis Business Conference was one of only seven event companies that made the list, founder Alex Rogers had this to say: “This is an honor. We work very hard to create opportunities for canna-business and expanded legalization all over the world. Knowing that other ganjaprenuers hold our event in such high esteem is a really good feeling”. Rogers also stated that he is looking forward to the next conference in Vancouver, and is especially excited about the conference planned for Berlin in 2020, which he says will be the biggest International Cannabis Business Conference event so far.
With events in five (soon to be six) different countries, the International Cannabis Business Conference is the world’s premier B2B cannabis business conference. Visit www.internationalcbc.com for more information.
The International Cannabis Business Conference is THE industry event to learn the latest and to network with top investors, entrepreneurs, and advocates. Next up: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, this September 15-16. Purchase tickets today!