Advocates Push For Greater THC Content In Canadian Edibles

By many measures, Canada is the international leader when it comes to cannabis policy. After all, it remains the only G-7 nation to have ever passed a national adult-use legalization measure, having done so in late 2018.
Uruguay was the first nation to pass a national measure (2013), however, it still prohibits legal sales to non-residents. Additionally, Malta and Luxembourg have passed national legalization measures, yet their models are very limited in scope compared to Canada.
One glaring limitation to Canada’s legalization model can be found in how it regulates adult-use edibles. Since the start of legalization in Canada in 2018, adult-use edibles have been capped at 10mg of THC per unit.
That limit may be acceptable to consumers who are new to cannabis or coming back after a long break, however, it makes legal edibles far less appealing to longtime consumers who have a greater tolerance for THC. That lack of appeal is fueling the unregulated market for edibles in Canada.
Advocates recently started a petition, calling on the Canadian government to increase the THC threshold from 10mg to 100mg. For context, edibles in the State of Oregon where I live already have a 100mg THC limit and there have been no issues related to the 100mg THC cap. Below is the language of the Canadian petition, which is accepting signatures until March 7, 2024, at 11:31 a.m. (EDT):
The current limit of 10mg THC serves as a suitable starting point for newcomers, however fails to adequately cater to existing consumers;
The legal, regulated cannabis industry is unable to compete against the illicit market; and THC limits are contributing to an entirely new stream of single-use plastics, contrary to this country’s plan to address pollution and prevent plastic waste.
We, the undersigned, citizens of canada (sic), call upon the Government of Canada to increase the maximum THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) allowed in edible cannabis products to 100mg.
We believe that increasing the THC limit will address the above concerns, will benefit consumers and will contribute to a more sustainable industry as a whole.
Both the Canada Competition Bureau and the Ontario Cannabis Store have called upon Health Canada to increase THC limits. The Competition Bureau has stated that “restricting THC levels may not be necessary to achieve the government’s objectives”, while the Ontario Cannabis Store has emphasized the need to “revisit the current THC limits”. These endorsements from reputable organizations highlight the importance of reconsidering the current restrictions.
Therefore, we respectfully request that the Government of Canada urge Health Canada to increase the THC mg allowed in edible cannabis products to 100mg.